Donate to an unlisted member
For personal or security reasons, a number of our members serving overseas are not listed on our online forms.
But you can still support them through these simple steps:
1. Select the correct form below, according to your donation type.
1) Give a one-off gift to a member
3. On the drop-down list next to “Donate To”, select “Donations for General Funds and Administration”
4. In the box next to “Notes (if any)” type the name of the members or project you wish to support.
5. Fill out the rest of the form as usual and press “Submit”
2. Fill out your details as usual.
2) Set up regular giving for a member (as an individual)
3. On the drop-down list next to “Member or project you wish to support”, select “Donations for General Funds and Administration”
4. In the box next to “Notes (if any)” type the name of the members or project you wish to support.
5. Fill out the rest of the form as usual and press “Submit”
2. Fill out your details as usual.
3) Set up regular giving for a member (as an organisation)
3. On the drop-down list next to “Member or project you are supporting”, select “Donations for General Funds and Administration”
4. In the box next to “Notes (if any)” type the name of the members or project you wish to support.
5. Fill out the rest of the form as usual and press “Submit”
2. Fill out your details as usual.